ADMIN 发表于 2008-2-11 15:46

Bathing your Chow Chow dog

Bathing your Chow Chow dog It is advised to comb out your dog before bath,remove any excess shedded hair caught in the coat. dogs can be bathed in your Laundry tub
or in the utility sink
Large dogs can be bathed in the bath tub and x-large dogs, you can bathe outdoors. You can purchase an attachment, for your indoor sink, and connect your garden hose and take hot water outside.

Same process as washing your car, soak with water, shampoo and rinse. It is a wise idea to drain anal glands monthly, and this is the easiest time to do it. the ears when first wetting down, so no soiled water enters the ears the entire dog For light dogs, with feet and facial staining, add stronger product, made for this to these areas only, these products can dry out the coat, and are not meant for the entire coat. Be careful not to get soap in your Chow Chow dogs eyes. you do get soap in the eyes, rinse well with fresh running water, being careful not to get water up the nose. Rinse your dog well, apply conditioner and rinse again. a plastic jug to wet and rinse a large dog comes in handy
For white Chow Chow dogs, whitening shampoo can be used on stained areas, like face and feet. There are many whitening products, also a leave in whitening gel.
Groom leave in whitening gel and whitening shampoo owners (especially kids), like to take their Chow Chow dog in the tub with them your Chow Chow dog; towels are fine, these sponge cloths like in picture greatly reduce the drying time of your dog, and pull most of the water from the coat. sure to thoroughly towel off your large Chow Chow dog before you set him loose in the house or he will shake water all over your walls. fresh water got in the ears, use a drying agent.If ears are dirty, use the same product, and massage it into the ears. haired breeds should be blow dried to prevent them from catching a cold. flea medicines that go on externally need to be re-applied after swimming and bathing, check the label to see what your flea medicine suggests. Some flea control medicine is oral, both work well and are easy. Talk about flee & tick control with your vet.(If you use a product such asFRONTLINE flea control, it is advised to wait at least 48 hours before re-applying after a bath, as it mixes with the coat oils and is not as effective without these oils)
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